IDOH partners with PP
This week's E-mail Lifeline includes disturbing information about the Indiana Department of Health partnering with Indiana's largest abortion provider. I encourage you to help get the word out by forwarding this information to your family and friends using the convenient link provided on this page.
The Indiana Department of Health is partnering with Indiana's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, to host a June 26 appearance by Dr. Michael Carrera, an outspoken critic of abstinence- only programs for schools. According to a Wall Street Journal Report, Carrera says abstinence-only programs "lie to kids". According to the same article, Carrera's approach "gets some kids to delay sexual activity for several years and then to practice safer sex". Carrera is also the recipient of a Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in South Palm Beach and Broward Counties for advancing "reproductive rights".
It is inexcusable that the IDOH would provide partnership in hosting a speaker who is a harsh critic of abstinence-only education - the same type of education currently taught in Indiana's public schools. Such actions can only serve to undermine those programs that have effectively presented abstinence before marriage as the expected standard for all Indiana school children.
You are encouraged to contact Governor Mitch Daniels to express your concern about this troubling development at the IDOH. Please contact Governor Daniels by calling 317-232-4567 or by e-mail using the convenient link below.
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