Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mitch's Treachery Exhibit B, an email from Don Wildmon of the American Family Association

From: Don Wildom, AFA

To: ~90,000 subscribers in Indiana

June 22, 2007 

Indiana Governor Shuns Marriage Protection: Welcomes Gay Pride Festival and Parade Instead

Dear Christopher,

In a very disheartening move, Governor Mitch Daniels has shunned the importance of protecting traditional marriage and embraced an Indianapolis “gay pride” parade all in the course of a week.

For three years Governor Mitch Daniels has been virtually silent about the Indiana Marriage Protection Amendment (SJR 7), which stalled in an Indiana House Committee this year on a tie vote.   The amendment protecting Indiana’s laws defining marriage as between a man and a woman, can return in 08 and still go before Hoosier voters next fall for their approval or rejection.   However, the Governor told reporters on Friday that the marriage amendment would not be part of his re-election campaign. "I do believe there are other things more important to our future, at least other things that a governor and the people around him can try to work on," he said. "And, secondly, I'm always trying to bring this state together, and we don't have, I don't believe, the luxury of division."

Yet, six days earlier the Governor was not concerned about divisiveness when his letter to Indy Pride welcoming homosexuals attending a festival and parade was published in the gay pride program.   The annual Indianapolis gay pride event featured such apparently non-divisive items as drag queens on stage, men in leather bondage outfits kissing on the street, and a parade Grand Marshall who was honored for his authoring of a stage play and film called “Southern Baptist Sissies.”    Yet, somehow standing for the importance of both husbands and wives, mothers and fathers to the family unit is not important, and just too divisive!

You can decide if the Governor’s endorsement of a gay pride parade and festival last week was mainstream and unifying by viewing these pictures of the Indy Pride event taken by homosexual activists.  Decide for yourself if this is something that Hoosier voters would support far more than the broad support marriage protection amendments have received in 27 states.   (The average vote of support from residents in these states is 67%)


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